Two Winter Indoor Playground Equipment for Academy Learning Centers
Winter is coming! but the children still have to play. What are you going to do to create that fun outdoor atmosphere indoors. We have two options for Winter indoor playground equipment that would fit the needs of any academy, learning center, preschool or daycare. These two options are good for both outdoors and indoors. Therefore, if you purchase them from Playtime, you will have 12 months of value, moving them indoors during the Winter months and outdoors during the warming temperature of Spring and Summer.
The Spyder Ryder
This equipment is fun equipment that accommodates up to four children at a time, bouncing up and down on the spring supported seats can be real fun for children 2 to 12 years old. The Spyder Ryder is made with an all metal durable frame and meets IPEMA requirements. The equipment is painted with vibrant colors and has four seats like the seats of the Merry Go Cycle.

The Merry Go Cycle
This equipment is one of the most fun equipment for children. You can get little kiddos on, but it will be difficult to get them off. Kids love this playground equipment so much that it has been the favorite of most children learning centers. The Merry Go Cycle is a small version of the Merry Go Round that can fit into a 12 x 12 area quit comfortably. The equipment is light-weight and can be lifted from outdoor to indoor without excessive help. This playground equipment holds up to 5 kids riding and peddling round and round.
If you are a manager for a children learning center and are looking for an option for this coming Winter, consider these two playground options. The little kiddos will love them.