Year: 2017

How to Prevent Playground Accidents – Keep the Kiddos Safe

Playgrounds allow children to have fun and make the most out of their childhood. This is a place where they can learn various things about life as they get to interact with other children and are exposed outdoors. But without proper supervision, there are also instances where kids may experience accidents brought about by a […]

Residential Playground Equipment Buying Guide

Having a playground where kids can play freely is a good way for them to enjoy the outdoors and socialize with their friends. Depending on the space, budget and personal preferences, there are various kinds of playground equipment like musical chimes, merry go cycle, infant swings, play structures, rope ladders, tunnels, slides, trapeze bars and […]

Circle Cycle Merry Go Round for children 2-5 years old

One place you will expect to find a number of kiddos during a weekday is at the daycare, where many of them are usually between 2 and 5 years old. Daycares offer temporary care and learning center during school days, holiday, school closures, vacation breaks and some evenings and weekends. If you are going to […]

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